Noco summer send off

youth triathlon

Sunday, August 11th

The Fort Collins Endurance & Adventure Sports Team (FEAST) is partnering with USA Kids Tri and The Marina at The Water Valley Company to host a youth triathlon in Northern Colorado. This event serves as both a fundraiser for FEAST and to raise awareness and increase participation of the multi-sport lifestyle along the Front Range.

During the NoCo Summer Send Off Triathlon, young athletes (ages 6 to 12) take on our kid-friendly course. Held at The Marina at Water Valley, a private oasis without the worry of boat or vehicle traffic, participants will swim, pedal, and run through the finish line where medals and victory dances await. Racers are organized by age, and the distances & terrain are age appropriate. Crowds will cheer, hugs will be given, and snacks will be served. No experience is necessary! These races are the perfect combination of fun and competition, making it an excellent introductory event to the sport for kids looking to try something new this summer! 

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to participate in a USA Triathlon sanctioned event designed specifically for kids in Northern Colorado!

Registration Info:

  • Foxes (ages 6-8): $40

  • Coyotes (ages 9-10): $45

  • Wolves (ages 11-12): $50

*Each division is capped at 50 participants

Important Registration Information:

Because this is a USA Triathlon sanctioned event, all participants must have either an annual youth membership or a premier membership (valid until the day they turn 18). As part of our amazing partnership, USA Kids Tri is covering the cost of an annual youth membership or putting $10 towards the cost of a premier membership for every participant! On the NoCo Summer Send Off Youth Tri registration form, you’ll be asked to enter your USAT membership number. If you currently do not have a USAT membership, go to the USAT membership hub to create an account and “purchase” a youth membership. Use promo code “NoCoKidsTri” at checkout to get a free annual youth membership! Once you complete the process within the USA Triathlon member hub, you’ll be given a membership number. Enter this number in the appropriate field on our registration form to complete your sign up!

Course Maps and Distances


The open water swim portion takes place in the inviting waters of beautiful Raindance Lake. Athletes will start on the sandy beach at the north end of the lake and swim a clock-wise rectangle.

Foxes - 50 yard swim

Coyotes - 100 yard swim

Wolves - 200 yard swim

*PLEASE make sure participants are comfortable swimming these distances in open water BEFORE signing up. For perspective, 50 yards is the equivalent of swimming down and back in a 25 yard pool.


The bike course leaves the transition area and heads out on a hard-packed dirt road. After riding along the east shore of the lake, the course joins the Poudre River Trail. Athletes ride a smooth concrete section of the Poudre River Trail that features fun tunnels, mild climbs and descents, and beautiful views. After a rollicking downhill, athletes are directed back onto the dirt road and head east towards the transition area to either lap or transition to the run.

Foxes - 1 lap (1.4 miles)

Coyotes - 2 laps (2.8 miles)

Wolves - 3 laps ( 4.2 miles)


The run leaves the transition area and heads east. Athletes start out on a private dirt road that meanders through towering Cottonwood trees and emerges on the Poudre River Trail. Once on the Poudre River Trail, athletes continue running east until their respective turnaround points, then return the same way back to the finish! The below distances are out and back on the course.

Foxes - .5 miles

Coyotes - 1 mile

Wolves - 1.5 miles

Schedule of Events

  • 6:15-7:15 am - Athlete check-in

  • 6:15 am - Transition Area Opens

  • 6:45-7:15 am - Swim Warm-Up

  • 7:20 am - Transition Area Closes - no exceptions!

  • 7:30 am - Wolves (11-12) Wave Starts

  • 7:45 am - Coyotes (9-10) Wave Starts

  • 8:00 am - Foxes (6-8) Wave Starts

  • 20 minutes after last finisher - Post race snacks & awards

Race Day Information

  • Bib pickup takes place at the check-in table near the transition area/beach.

  • Bib number must be visible on the bike handle bars during the entire bike portion and on the front of body during the entire run portion of the event.

  • Body marking (for the swim) takes place near the check-in area on the beach. Numbers are written vertically on your right arm and left calf.

  • The transition area is an open transition area meaning there are no pre-assigned bike spots — lay your bike (and other belongings)in any empty marked spot.

  • Do not move other people's items as they may be out on the bike portion of the event.

  • When you finish the bike course, lay your bike in the same spot.

  • Once the races start, ONLY ATHLETES are allowed in the transition area - there will be a support crew in the transition area to help kids.

  • Do not hang out in the transition area. Please set your stuff up and then leave the area.

  • No riding bikes in the transition area. Volunteers will help particpants navigate the dismount zone.

  • Every racer will receive a medal for crossing the finish line!

  • Awards will be given to the top 3 places in each age group for both boys and girls.

Frequently asked questions


Q: Will there be lifeguards on the water for the swim portion?

A: Yes! We’ll have multiple certified lifeguards out on the lake on paddleboards during the swim.

Q: Will there be any motorboat traffic on the lake during the swim?

A: No! Raindance Lake is closed to all activities during the triathlon.

Q: Can participants wear life jackets for the swim?

A: Wearing a life jacket certainly makes the swim more challenging for the athlete; however, safety and feeling comfortable are our top priorities so if athletes want to wear a life jacket they are more than welcome to! We’ll even have some life jackets on site participants can borrow.

Q: Can participants swim backstroke or breaststroke during the swim?

A: Yes. Swimmers can use any combination of strokes/technique - whatever it takes to get the job done!

Q: What should participants wear for the swim?

A: Athletes wear a swim suit — the style and type is up to them.

Q: Can participants wear a wetsuit in the swim?

A: No, there are no wetsuits allowed. The water temperatures will be warm!


Q: Do participants need a particular type of bike for the bike portion (e.g mountain bike, road bike, etc.)?

A: No! Any type of bike will do for this race. The course is a mix of hard-packed dirt road and concrete path. Just make sure the bike is comfortable and has working brakes and gears.

Q: Are aerobars permitted?

A: No - per USA Triathlon Youth supplemental rules, aerobars are not allowed. No aero or time-trial bars may be attached to the bike or used during competition. All handlebar ends must be solidly plugged.

Q: Can riders have clipless pedals on their bike?

A: Yes. Just make sure they are comfortable and have previous experience with clipless pedals. And make sure participants using clipless pedals also have different shoes in the transition area to wear for the run.

Q: Do participants need to wear a helmet?

A: YES. Athletes will NOT be allowed to bike without a helmet. Transition volunteers will make sure no athletes leave the transition zone without a helmet that is fastened! PLEASE make sure your child’s helmet fits properly.

Q: What should participants wear for the bike?

A: As their torsos must be covered for the bike and run portions of the race, athletes whose swimsuits don’t provide full torso coverage should have a shirt ready to put on in the transition area with their bib number from the race packet pinned on the front. Some children may wish to also put on shorts over their swimsuits in bike and run sections.

Q: Will there be volunteers out on the bike course so participants do not get lost?

A: Absolutely. There will be ample volunteers on the bike course directing participants. Both courses will also be well marked with signage and cones.


Q: What type of shoes should participants use?

A: Closed-toe running shoes are the only footwear permitted.

Q: Should participants wear socks to put on in the transition area before heading out for the run?

A: That’s a personal preference. Putting on socks adds time to the transition but it can also make things more comfortable and prevent blisters - so you decide!

Q: Will there be an aid station on the run course?

A: The aid station (with drink cups and light snacks) will be near the transition area to serve the bike and run course.

Q: Is it OK for participants to walk at all during the run portion?

A: Of course! Run when you want, walk when you need to. Remember, the most important thing is have fun and finish.

Q: Will there be volunteers out on the run course so participants do not get lost?

A: Absolutely. There will be ample volunteers on both the bike and run course directing participants. Both courses will also be well marked with signage and cones

Transition Area

Q: Can participants have a parent(s) in the transition area to help them?

A: Parents are allowed to help their athlete(s) set up their equipment in the transition area before the start of the race. However, during the race parents are NOT allowed in the transition area. Our high school triathletes will assist athletes throughout their transition from swimming to biking and biking to running. Parents/guardians are obviously permitted in the transition area in the case of emergencies or major meltdowns :)

Q: What items should be set up in the Transition Area?

A: Everything needed for the Bike and Run portions of the Race should be set up in the Transition area: bike, helmet, running shoes, shirt with bib number attached (as needed, unless torso fully covered by swimwear and bib already attached), shorts, towel for drying off, water bottle, snacks (bars, gels, candy, etc)

Q: How do we get our equipment out of the transition area?

A: Once ALL athletes have finished the race we will announce that the transition is open and the athletes may enter transition to collect their gear. Volunteers will be present to assist the athletes. The race organizers are not responsible for lost gear – please make sure you have everything before you depart.


Q: Do participants need prior triathlon experience?

A: Nope. While this is a competitive race with awards, the most important aspect of this event is participation, completion, and education.

If you’re looking for additional triathlon experience before the race, there is a youth tri camp held at Boyd Lake that focuses on educating kids on the basics of how to complete each discipline within a triathlon including the transition area.

Q: Will the event be timed?

A: We’ll do our very best to give each athlete a time; however we do not have a professional timing company. Our priorities are athlete safety, creating a fun experience, and tracking placement. So if we miss an athlete’s time, we apologize in advance and appreciate your grace and understanding. Parents are always welcome to bring their own watch and time their participant(s).

Q: What is the weather policy?

A: The race will take place rain or shine. If heavy rain causes the course to be unsafe for the Bike portion of the race, we will still proceed with the Swim and Run portions of the race. If there is lightning, the race will be halted or the start delayed until 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning.

Q: What happens if the race is cancelled due to inclement weather?

A: If the race is cancelled due to inclement weather, athletes will still be given the items included as part of registration, namely: the participation medal, swim cap, stickers, etc.Unfortunately, we are not able to offer refunds.

Q: Who can we contact with additional questions?

A: Please email the Race Director at

a special thanks to our awesome partners/sponsors

We couldn’t pull of this event without them!