• Kyle steitz

    Head Coach & Founder

    Coach Kyle founded FEAST in 2022 with the purpose of creating an endurance team that never gets boring, takes full advantage of living in the Rocky Mountains, and believes being a good person is more important than being a good athlete. His coaching philosophy with FEAST is equal parts playful and laid-back mixed with hard work and dedication.

    Ski Background: As the son of the U.S. Nordic Combined Head Coach, he’s been immersed in the world of Nordic skiing since he can remember. Growing up in Steamboat Springs, he traveled around with the national team and soaked up everything he could learn about the sport. He’d share a van seat with Olympic gold medalists and pester them with questions about training logs and diets. He’d bike behind members of the Norwegian national team during summer training camps, shouting out splits as they completed roller skiing intervals. He'd sneak into the wax trailers at World Cups just to take in the sights, sounds, and smells. He didn’t realize it at the time, but growing up watching some of the greatest Nordic athletes in the world paved the way for his future efforts and successes as a ski coach.

    Kyle raced in elementary, middle, and high school and eventually went on to ski at the Division I level in college. After burning out and dropping the sport completely (another reason why he’s so committed to the multi-sport lifestyle and keeping things fun), he credits coaching for rekindling his lifelong love for the sport. He’s currently the head coach of the Poudre School District high school nordic ski team. PSD Ski is coming off their most successful season in program history in which the boys placed second at state championships and the girls placed third. Kyle was named the 2024 Colorado High School Ski League Coach of the Year — it’s the second time he’s earned the award since founding the team in 2018.

    Triathlon Background: He whimsically entered his first triathlon at the age of 15 (with no real training or experience - bad idea), but instantly fell in love with the unique sport. Many years later, after “retiring” from Nordic skiing Kyle transferred to Colorado State University, where in an effort to make some friends, he joined the triathlon team. He participated in collegiate nationals in Tuscaloosa, Alabama twice. After graduating, he stuck around to help coach several athletes in the swim component of the sport, including one who went on to become a professional triathlete.

    Swimming Background: Swimming also has a special place in Coach Kyle’s heart. It was the first sport he ever participated in and one that he continued through high school. In 2011, he got a job as an assistant coach for a local swim team and thought it would be a one-time gig. However, the next summer he took the reins as the head coach and has since grown the program three-fold, earned two team state championships, and coached over 10 individual state champions. Entering year 14, he’s still going strong with the Nelson Farm Gators.

  • Huckleberry finn

    Assistant Coach & Paw Patrol

    Huck is the proud mascot of FEAST and the inspiration behind the logo. It’s rare to see Coach Kyle without Huck by his side. Nordic skiing is Huck’s all-time favorite endurance activity, but he also likes the swim leg of triathlons. He enjoys sleeping during long car rides to races/camps and eating within 20 minutes of working out for proper recovery. His favorite practice is either summer evenings at Terry Lake or riding shotgun in the truck while following the kids during roller ski intervals.

board members

  • Janice Oldemeyer

    Faculty Advisor

  • Scott Morrison

    Faculty Advisor

  • Laura Steitz

    Designated Adult

  • Jake Tornatzky

    Faculty Advisor

  • Cynthia Reffler

    Faculty Advisor

  • *All board members complete Safesport training and possess current safesport verification

Interested in joining the Board or helping out as a chauffeur and chaperone for our camps/trips? Let us know!

Please note: Coach Kyle does not have access to the above email link (board.feast@gmail.com). It is monitored only by the Faculty Advisors.